Sunday, September 30, 2007

vintage britney and leo!

ooo lala. love to kno the story behind this.

Well fans...we did it!

Britney Spears new single "Gimme More" is number 1 on US Itunes and several other countries. I am ecstatic and proud to be a fan. I've been hearing it out in the bars all weekend!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

PLEASE get your copy of Gimme More on Itunes-

I really have to say a big "Fuck you" to the naysayers. I mean honestly, even I didn't expect this big of a debut. It came out yesterday and is now the #8 most downloaded song. I am soooo proud.

New Release Tuesday.....on Wednesday.

Yesterday the KNOCKED UP dvd came out and of course the state of DVDs is a shambles I couldn't even decide which one I wanted- here are the options : Blu-Ray, Regular R Rated, Unrated, Unrated 2 Disc- Special edition- It's just such a mess ugh but take your pick and buy it cuz its great. You can go look through June posts and find my review.

Also Foo Fighters released their new album and they never fail, it's a good one. I'd recommend "The Pretender" of course..and also "Home" , "Cheer up Boys (Your makeups running)" and "Long road to Ruin" just for starters.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do me a favor and....


I know she's going through more rough times constantly but I hear she is in ATL for a little business/RnR for the weekend but....the favor is:

Pre-Order GIMME MORE from it's already doing really well and I know there isn't much of a point in buying this cuz you can get it on Itunes Oct.2nd and its not like a whole album- but it's just been awhile since we've got a little something like this and I think its exciting that the singles on sale. So please, get yourself a copy and support B!

**The artwork I showed is just rumored or fanmade. I'm not sure but the fact that the page says 'image not available' still has me hoping for something better.

Jamie :)

I haven't heard or seen anything about her in soooo long and it's nice to see these pics. God she looks great, look at those boobs. I know...I'm gross. anyway.....I'm still looking forward to her new movie even though it won't be out til August.

Movie Review: THE BRAVE ONE

The movies have been a little dry these past few weeks with nothing urgeing me to get out there but Oscar season is not far at all.....

the brave one

Jodie Foster can do it all and this movie proves it even more so. After literally loving PANIC ROOM and FLIGHTPLAN to death- I was excited to see yet another drama/thriller type movie from her. This one also starred one of my new favorite actors, Terrance Howard, and the premise seemed cool enough so I was ready.

The Brave One poses some serious questions that are hard to answer and much like another movie that I adored but critics weren't crazy about, The Life of David Gale, your personal opinions on the matters at hand can be what make or break the movie for you.

Erica Bain is a successful radio show host who is engaged to a doctor, things in her life are finally going her way but one dark night in NYC while walking her dog with her significant other, a group of gangsters up to no good jump the shit out of the two and Erica is left for dead but somehow makes it out alive while her boyfriend doesn't.

Very sad and disturbing right from the beginning and we dive into Erica's descent into madness- the incident scars her and she'll stop at nothing to kill the bad criminals of the night. But are we happy shes doing this? Justice served? How will this all end?

Terrance Howard comes into play as a detective who is on the case of these somehow connected vigilante killings, he can't seem to put his finger on it but deep down he knows Erica just may be involved. While the whole world can't even begin to think that maybe just maybe this could be done by a female. His performance along with Jodies are masterful. Instead of connecting with these characters and feeling like one of them- we are certainly on the outside looking in and we can't see, only wonder what the two are thinking.

In the end, things aren't tied up nicely with a bow or anything- we don't know how these two are going to end up---Will Erica be ok? I don't know. But some movies are good in this way in that they challenge our beliefs. But I can see how some people would absolutely hate the ending, if that makes sense. You really just got to see it for yourself even if its just for the amazing acting.

What I thought about THAT.

I'll make this short and sweet- don't be a fake person and proclaim that Lindsay and Britney are stupid and that you sway yourself from bad situations. Well ha, looks like karma came to get ya. But damn ,ya looked good :).

shambles : britney edition

alright so really when it comes to the vmas. of course I was dissapointed. I was confused, shocked, just speechless by the end..and I'm glad I made the choice to pretty much watch it alone because I wasn't prepared for how I'd feel even if it went good or bad. But something was not there, the magic was not in her eyes. and what makes most fans angry is that we know how capable she is of being amazing. whether it was anti-depressants, nervousness or my personal opinion (Realizing that Sarah Silverman is planned to go on after you, meaning only one thing: ridiucule, after MTV whores you up to high heaven in order to publicize their now crap-ridden VMA show--so what do you do? realize how much that blows and lose ur energy but at the same time, send mtv a nice little message)anyway I could go on and on with more excuses I've heard but when it comes down to it- it wasn't even the worst thing that night. and the song still kicks, your not going anywhere Britney and neither are we. On more lighter notes - the feeling I got though, seeing her up on that stage for the first time in four years- with her head turned to us and just knowing it was her up there, wow it was fantastic. But like she said "If you're looking for trouble, you've come to the right place" Oh yeah...and do I think she looked good you ask? She looked amazing.

Ya know its been a while but I'm glad ya came...

Hey D.Pop visitors, which has probably been very few as of late...its been two weeks since my last update and mainly its been school stress thats kept me from having time or motivation to come on here but's also that I didn't really know what I'd say pertaining to Britneys VMA performance...but now the calm after the storm has come....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Today's the big day..

Haha this is just all in good fun. I can't wait and I hope she is taking it easy today!! GOOD LUCK FROM ALL YOUR FANS! XOXOXO

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ew Nelly Fartado?!....

Honestly, She is one of the most gorgeous people and this makes her look 40+ and disgusting. I'm REALLY confused....and I'm not so much looking forward to her performance tommorow night now.

As for movies this weekend..

I really don't have time to get out there but everything has got good word. 3:10 to Yuma the new western starring Christian Bale and Russel Crowe looks tight! Also Shoot Em' Up looks fun but a little too silly for me and in limited release- HATCHET, which is supposed to be a trashy but unexpectedly pretty good and scary throw back to old school horror- I'll probably try to catch it during the week but otherwise i'm just waiting for Friday- THE BRAVE ONE!!!

Office Season 3

I've been catching up and every episode is just hilarious and awesome. Make sure to pick up your copy!

calm before the storm

Britney is already in Vegas and rehearsing heavily. states "If sceptics saw her, they'd doubt no more" So lets hope its going well! She has also been out and about hitting up PURE nightclub and running into none other than P. Diddy himself. You can also see in the pics I put - her and Chris leaving the Palm at 4:30am. Woo! Get some rest girl, your going to need it! I'm rooting for you and so are many others- I'm soooo excited! You can do it Britney! GO GO GO!

Monday, September 3, 2007


AH I'm sure by now you've heard Britneys new single "gimme more" and its doing well on the charts and I'm really excited for the album. On first listen the song is just ok but then its as addicting as skittles. i LOVE it. and I'm so proud of her and yeah I'm glad she sucked it up regardless of drama and made it to the LAX opening at the Luxor hotel in vegas on friday night...she looked.. a lil tired/rough...but cute nontheless. Bring on next sunday, bring on more good news, bring on more more more cuz I'm ready...and I hope ya'll are to and most of all... I hope Britney is.

I don't even think it deserves a review...

So I'm just going to babble! I guess I'll give it a 3 out of 10...or 2 ...ok fine a, a 3. Anyway, it WAS better than Black Christmas and thats a plus but now more than ever I'm saying NOOOOOOOOOOO to a 'suspiria' remake. I actually kind of liked it in the beginning, the performances were god awful and it was cool to see a dramatic side to this 29 yr. old story...and in my mind I was like "wow this is kind of cool seeing that Michael could have been somewhat normal but circumstances drove him apeshit." Anyway, if Zombie would have just kept with that approach (It was about the first hour anyway...) He could of just made this a cool pre-quel but then it feels like it switches into another whole movie when the Laurie plot starts. Laurie IS Halloween, just as much as Michael is but in this remakes case she serves no purpose. Her friends get killed, her parents get killed and its not like she is going to care when Michael cries to her about being her Brother. GOD, Laurie is my favorite female movie character of all time. PERIOD. She makes you fall so in love in the original and in this one she was ugly, played by a talentless girl, she was not so innocent, she had a filthy mouth and could have cared less about the children...ugh I could write an essay. Anyway yeah the second half is so much worse than the first half, people just die left and right for no reason its just sick and the 500+ endings didnt help, it just dragged and when it finally comes to the conclusion its confusing, bloody and stupid. I just...I have to go..bye.

I'm Sorry Jamie, John Carpenter, the fans...

I just want to apologize on behalf of Rob Zombie for the disrespectful turd that was Halloween 2007. He wanted me to post this....

Oh and yeah ok call us "haters" and shut us up cuz it made $30 mil this weekend but DUH ...even we were curious so we saw it anyway. And I'm glad it did well even if it sucked cuz it just shows how powerful the franchise is. Nearly 30 years and going strong but on the downside that means..more crap sequels. So..someone pay Jamie $10 mil and she'll come out of hiding and do "Halloween 11 : The Final Battle" oooo! Now I'd watch that.

sorry i havent updated

school started last week and thats gonna be a pain in my butt plus i was in atlantic city all weekend until now. but i won $900 so thats a plus!