Thursday, December 20, 2007



Underwhelmed. The most suprising thing is that Jennifer Garner is superb... Ellen Page plays Juno who gets pregnant by her boyfriend-ish type guy (the awesome Michael Cera from 'superbad') and wants to give it up for adoption. I will say it doesn't follow a set path that one has come to accept. Sadly the screenplay killed it for me with the most force-fed dialogue I've seen in years. Teens DO NOT speak that wasn't long ago when I was one.

Supporting performances proved the highlight for me- Allison Janney in particular and although Jason Batemens character ends up falling victim to being a creeper he still does a good job. This isn't a bad movie by any means but your watching wishing you were laughing more, smiling more...feeling more! The poignant moments are few and far between...ultimately, we don't know what Juno is thinking and what she wants. See at your own risk but the hype is ludicrous to me. . .Bye.

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