Friday, January 19, 2007


Just wanna give you guys a heads up again to the fact that you shouldn't be spending your hard earned money on crappy remakes.

Heres an excerpt from Justin Putnam ( At the core of "The Hitcher," though, is a motion picture remake that is redundant and suspiciously unfeeling, an amped-up empty shell of its former self. There is no denying that the movie can get your adrenaline flowing in quick spurts—there are at least three fabulous jump scares—but it lacks empathy for its central characters and is missing a point behind its nonstop carnage. When the exploding brain matter and spurting blood clears, all that is left to observe is that 1986's "The Hitcher" did it better the first time around.

yeah so there ya have it. if u want the movies message- its just not to pick up hitchhikers so no big deal. go see something good.

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